Monday, July 21, 2014

Speed 2 Month Day 21: Prequels Fucking Suck Dirty Balls

I’m in a particularly foul mood today, so I’ve put off the highly anticipated attack on Nic Cage’s career to point the barrel at a much larger steaming pile of goo, namely the Star Wars “prequel” trilogy. I’ll pointedly avoid the terribly overdone original Star Wars trilogy that George Lucas had the egotistical need to revamp to suit his gold lined pockets, and solely target the three films that were supposed to tell the story of Anakin Skywalker and his dark descent into the evil Darth Vader. I’ll try not to go into too much of a rant on why Star Wars in itself destroyed the entire science fiction film genre, because, well, it did and that’s an extremely lengthy subject that has little to do with SPEED 2.

By 1999, when STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE (aka Episode I) was finally released, Star Wars fans were essentially wetting themselves in anticipation and excitement. The sheer amounts of uber nerds walking around in their Jedi robes while shopping was enough to make a Star Trek fan tear his hair out in ire, and vomit profusely in oversensitivity to their own plight of having to deal with Star Trek: Voyager. Practically everyone that is anyone wanted to see what George Lucas had finally decided was good enough to put on the big screen, not only continuing the Star Wars saga, but telling an original story without having to handle characters and actors well known to a thirty-year old audience.

I’m not going to even bother to explain the story to those that haven’t seen it, waste your own time watching 12 plus hours of science fantasy blather and Carrie Fisher try to act through her cocaine haze. You may get a laugh out of it after reading this. Maybe. Although a massive moneymaking success, the story blew chunks, and those chunks blew giant sized holes in the story practically raised to a mythology by its fandom.

Yes, most people took to Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi master portrayed by Liam Neeson. Most liked the portrayal of a young Ben Kenobi by Ewan McGregor. Fans got sexually excited when Ray Park showed up as Darth Maul. The special effects were quite good, if just as obvious as the old stuff from 1977. I can’t think of anything else that really went well, but then, I’m in a mood and just don’t care that much.

Ignoring everyone’s favorite target, JAR JAR BINKS, it’s really fun and easy to point out the stupidity of this… prequel. The “Trade Federation”, a group of horribly obvious racist stereotypes, is the big, bad wolf of the tale. Sort of. They’re relegated to bit part status by the time the third movie rolls out, to most viewers’ spiteful laughter. They weren’t threatening, their ships were stupid looking and they have some of the most hideous lines in the movie. Their droid army is just as silly – how the hell did a civilization as important as Naboo is supposed to be fall to these inept creations? O, right… it’s George Lucas; it doesn’t have to make sense. That’s why we have midichlorians.

Remember those, Star Wars junkies? Midichlorians, the microscopic things in your bloodstream that determine your strength in the force. Yes, even George decided someone had to explain away the most mysterious thing in his own story, destroying it utterly. MIDICHLORIANS. They’re the best thing since… o, I don’t know… Greedo got his shot in.

There was this kid hired to play a 9-year old Anakin Skywalker, the eventual Darth Vader. We were forced to swallow that he not only built and programmed the future protocol droid called C-3PO (I thought those were designations by the manufacturers, Annie!?!) We were forced to swallow that he could pilot a starship. We were forced to… o fuck it, we were just forced. It was rape, plain and simple, and the Star Wars fans, while whining the whole time, took it and asked for more. And they got it with two more, gradually deteriorating movies. More on that shortly.

There was an overly complicated plot of politics and Machiavelli machinations that would have been a much better tale minus the Gungans, Trade Federation and genius level Anakin Skywalker. Did I not mention the Gungans? They’re the race good ol’ Jar Jar is from. Here’s a pic:

‘Nuff said? Meesa think so, Annie.

Before I forget that there are two more movies in this epic disaster, let’s get to them. Episode II, also known as STAR WARS: ATTACK OF THE CLONES, gave us an older, more experienced Anakin, working alongside his mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, as a veritably screaming in happiness Liam Neeson got his character killed off in Episode I. This Anakin was full of teenage angst, practically rubbing his crotch every scene he had with the soon-to-be former Queen of Naboo, Amidala/Padme/Whothefuckcaresit’sNataliePortman. Then again, most of the male fans (and likely some of the females) were doing much the same in the theatre. What, you didn’t see? It was disgusting. Paul Ruebens was pretty pissed no one got arrested.

Ahem. Moving on.

ATTACK OF THE CLONES was supposed to be better. It dumped all the dumb things from Episode I, mostly. Remember those pesky midichlorians? Never happened. Pod racing Anakin? He’s older now, and much more mature. (Insert as much sarcasm as is left in the tank, right over there) Heroic R2-D2? Yeah, he’s still there. O, and so is good ol’ Jar Jar, because he’s got to be redeemed. George Lucas promised he’s not a racist. ATTACK OF THE CLONES was supposed to be better. It’s a mantra. ATTACK OF THE CLONES was supposed to be better. It brought us the clones! It initiated the Clone Wars, of which were mentioned waaaaaaaaaay back in STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE. It forced the idea that Jango Fett, daddy to Boba, was the genesis of the clones… right up our colon. Once again, great special effects, almost worth it plot, but… the Jedi were fucking idiots. Likely still are, since most of them were killed off at the end of the third movie. I mean, how often can Yoda go on about ‘a darkness in the force’ and not do a fucking thing about it before you, as a viewer, acknowledge that the characters are just pompous, overblown dumbasses? I practically wanted Count Dooku (good name for a shit character, George) to whip his dick out and slap every face he could. Right on screen. Slapslapslap. Like that, Mace Windu? Slapslapslap. How’s that taste, Amidala? Slapslapslap. Youza likes dat, Jar Jar?

There’s a romance that blossoms somewhere in Episode I that is vomit inducing. It really gets moving in Episode II, and rolls right into Episode III, STAR WARS: REVENGE OF THE SITH. That title alone is almost a tounge-in-cheek joke, as the original title of Episode VI was REVENGE OF THE JEDI, not RETURN OF. I’m not entirely sure what they were getting revenge for, exactly, as the story became so pathetically warped in trying to be its own movie and tell the story of Anakin’s fall, it lost all credibility. The love story was stupid. The clones were stupid. The Jedi were morons. Hayden Christensen’s performance was fucking hideous. The action sequences with R2-D2 and C-3PO were laughable, only in that it was stupid. Obi-Wan leaving an enraged, fuckwit Anakin for dead without an arm, a hand, a leg… whatever… burned horribly, was the single dumbest thing ever. I mean, why? I pity you too much to kill you, but I’ll maim you and scorch you, then leave you for dead instead? I have to wonder if that was a threat to George made by a disgruntled fan that no Tauntauns were appearing in the prequels.

How were the prequels better than SPEED 2, you must be thinking. By and large, they are, no matter my complete and utter distaste for them. In THE PHANTOM MENACE, the lightsaber duel between Darth Maul and Qui-Gon Jinn (and eventually Ben) was a grand feat of choreography. The technical aspects of all three movies are amazing, and you can’t say they aren’t. You may not like CGI or what has become of movies because of it, but they were used quite well here. Natalie Portman in a tight, white jumpsuit works for me, too. I got some primo quotes from these films that are great to prick the ego of Star Wars fans worldwide, too. “Execute Order 66” will forever be one of the best – the death of the Jedi, by and large. And completely stupid, too. All of that and one other thing made these better than SPEED 2. Jar Jar Binks got to be a senator.

More hatred and dysfunction tomorrow, because John Amenta said so. He also said “even I hate them [the prequels] and I like SPEED 2.” So, there.

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