Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Speed 2 Month Day 22: Recognize

A Leaf on the Wind is taking a breather after the vibrant anger of Day 21. Today, we present everything in photo form so you know what to avoid.

This is SPEED, the movie that started it all:

This is Dennis Hopper, who made SPEED a much more enjoyable movie than it would have been without him:

 This is SPEED 2, the movie that started the special month we now reside in:

 These are the starts of this piece of shit, Sandra Bullock and Jason Patric:

This is Jason Patric before the receding hairline. You'll notice in both pics it looks like he's ready to spit at you:

This is Willem Defoe, from a scene in SPEED 2, obviously method acting:

This is Jan de Bont, director of SPEED and SPEED 2:

Whoops, sorry. This is Jan de Bont, director of SPEED 2, purveyor of shit and happy to shove it down your throat that he spent 160 million dollars on something so wretched it'll be panned forever. You should memorize every crag on his putrid face:

This is Jan de Bont after finding out his career went out of cruise control and hit a bridge abutment with the force of two planets smacking each other:

Still a smarmy shitbag.

This is my cat Ginger, who also hates SPEED 2:

 Tomorrow, more SPEED 2 crappiness.

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