Friday, July 19, 2013

Pirates of Dark Water Rewatch: "Break Up"

Episode 3: Break Up
Original Air Date: February 27th, 1991
Written By: Lane Raichert and Bill Matheny
Directed By: Don Lusk

The Wraith sails on, as episode three begins, chasing Konk over rough seas. Ioz operates as lookout for Ren, who is piloting their ship and trying to avoid the flotsam being thrown overboard from the stolen Atani cruiser they're after. Konk is demanding the Lugg Brothers tear everything from the ship to lighten it in their attempt to outrun the Wraith.
With Niddler complaining about the rough travel, Ren tries to boost his spirits with an upbeat appraisal of the crew and the reason for the show’s title makes its first official appearance. Rising from beneath the cool, blue waters of Mer’s ocean, Dark Water rises as if it has a will of its own. Not oily, not transparent, it’s as if this stuff has some sort of tangential solidity while still flowing like water. Its effect is fairly creepy. Konk spots the dark stain on the seas first and deftly avoids it, with Ren and the Wraith following suit. A barrel slips from the deck of the Wraith from the sharp turn in direction landing directly atop the Dark Water. The barrel is grabbed by the Dark Water, pulled down beneath the waves as if it was made of solid appendages with directive. A worried Ioz claims to have not seen the stuff this far to the south and he is scolded by Ren to start shortening sail. Complaining about the lack of Tula on deck, he goes to get her.

Tula is in the aft hold of the Wraith, poring over the scroll she stole from the Atani in DISHONOR. It’s a list of items and names, which causes her to make a comment and pause on one particular name just before being interrupted by Ioz, who wants her on deck. Tucking the scroll away, she goads Ioz a bit, in their continuing battle of the sexes.

Konk realizes that his ship just can’t maintain the speeds that the Wraith can and decides to head to a place called Pandawa. Ren follows, curious at the new turn of direction. Ioz is first to spot the island, while an upset Niddler, who recognizes it, urges Ren to turn away. Ren dismisses Niddler, even though he’s insistent on not going to Pandawa.

The Lugg Brothers question Konk’s intent, as they were really looking forward to Jandatown, as mentioned in DISHONOR. Konk reminds them that getting rid of Ren and the others beforehand will make it easier to reunite with Bloth and the Maelstrom later, so they can hand in the gem and compass.

The harbor of Pandawa is busy, with many ships loading supplies. On one, a number of brightly colored monkeybirds are being led, in chains, into cages. It’s becoming clear why Niddler is upset and doesn’t want to follow Konk.

Konk slams his stolen ship into dock after discovering the Luggs tossed their anchor overboard when lightening the ship. Jumping off as their vessel begins to fill with water, the Luggs start running off, one of them carrying Konk on his back.

The Wraith docks as the Atani ship sinks in the harbor. With Ioz and Tula immediately headed after Konk, Niddler delays Ren, telling him that Pandawa is where he was born and sold into slavery. He has no desire to return to what he calls “this filthy island.” Many caged monkeybirds are shown during Niddler’s explanation of his history, stressing that his people are seen as nothing more than merchandise within the local trade. Tula comes back to remind them they can be left behind and Ren concocts a disguise for Niddler, not wanting to leave him aboard the Wraith.

Ioz chases the Luggs and Konk through the town bazaar, followed by Tula, then Ren with a tethered, flying Niddler behind. Konk unscrews his peg leg, transforming it into some sort of weapon that he throws at the heroes. It severs the tether between Ren and Niddler, then returning to Konk. Konk is pleased at his ability as he and the Lugg Brothers lose themselves in the busy streets.

Now walking next to Ren, Niddler continues to complain about remaining on Pandawa. It’s evident that he is extremely uncomfortable being here. Ren believes there to be more to the story, which has Niddler revealing that a man called Jargis divided up his family and sold him to Bloth. At the mention of Jargis, a hand drops onto Niddler’s wing, with the attached mutant auctioneer offering money to Ren for his slave. Ren, of course, rejects the offer, informing the auctioneer that Niddler is off the market right before war whoops are heard echoing through the bazaar.

The auctioneer curses as a group of monkeybirds fly overhead, all brandishing various weapons. The auctioneer is prepared with employed mercenaries, as this isn’t the first attack he’s been through. Some of his fighters are pulled away with grapple hooks, others have items dropped on them. Many of the attacking monkeybirds land to free caged fellows, flying away with them in the name of their queen.

The auctioneer accuses the attacking monkeybirds for being thieves, stealing the private property of Jargis himself. Ren steps up to keep the auctioneer from whipping a nearby monkeybird in the process of freeing another. When the caged monkeybird insists on being freed in the name of the queen and is carried off, the auctioneer offers to show the prisoners a prize, clapping his hands. A caged Queen of the Monkeybirds is brought out, demoralizing all imprisoned around. Cowed and begging for mercy, even Niddler pleads with the auctioneer. Ren is curious as to Niddler having a queen, where he explains that she isn’t just their ruler she’s also the mother to all monkeybirds. With the auctioneer continuing his posturing, Ren gives some much needed water to the caged queen, resulting in a whipping. The monkeybirds are astounded at Ren’s actions, causing much discussion amongst them. The locals are also amazed at Ren, with the exact opposite reaction. They’re a bit riled up and only a timely intervention by Ioz gets Ren free of them.

The auctioneer orders a pair of mercenaries to follow Ren and Ioz as they leave the marketplace to the murmurs of surprised monkeybirds. Ioz chastises Ren for losing sight of the treasures and Konk and Niddler whines that he should have done something for the queen instead of Ren doing so.

Catching up to Tula, they all spot Konk and the Luggs, cornering them in an alley. Konk and the Luggs run through a door near the back of the alley (how convenient!) allowing for Ren to knock comically for them. Tula kicks the door in, where Konk sits at a table with another man; Jargis. Around the room are a large number of men in uniform, giving the impression that they’re some form of soldier. Konk asks Jargis to intercede, which he happily does. At a snap of Jargis’ fingers, the uniformed men charge the heroes.

On the run, our intrepid questers are stopped by the auctioneer and his minions, who wonder where the Securitat is when you need them. With Ren’s exclamation that that is indeed what they need, Niddler points out that the uniformed men chasing them are the Securitat and Jargis leads them! Pinned between the mercenaries and the security force, Ren refuses to give up by climbing a building to escape.

Returning to harbor, Ren has a plan to take the Wraith to the far side of the island and find Konk more clandestinely. Only, shock! Someone’s stolen the Wraith! Trapped on the dock by the approaching Securitat, the monkeybirds come to the rescue, lifting Ren, Ioz and Tula to safety. The monkeybirds fly everyone deeper into the wilds of Pandawa, with their leader calling himself Yellowwing. Oddly, Yellowwing was one of the prisoners freed during the attack earlier.

At Jargis’, Konk and the Luggs eat a huge meal, with a clearly irritated slave lord. Jargis is worried that he’s raised the ire of Bloth, though Konk puts him at ease, explaining only that he needs help in getting rid of Ren. Jargis wants to help, but he’s busy with the rebellious monkeybird faction and can’t spare the men. That is, until Konk makes a thinly veiled threat regarding Bloth. Konk questions why Jargis hasn’t yet obliterated the rebellion, at which Jargis produces a map that shows the location of the monkeybird stronghold, telling Konk that is the plan…

In the monkeybird fortress, high in the trees, Ren is thanking them for their help in escaping the Securitat. A blue monkeybird introduces himself as Chieftan, leader of the rebels. He explains that they’ve taken the Wraith and hidden her. He wants to know about Ren, the man that has earned the respect of the monkeybirds. After some exposition, Chieftan says he’s aware of Octopon and her current state of decay and, believing Ren to be noble, asks for his help in the rebel plan to free their queen. Ren readily agrees, to the dismay of Ioz and Tula. Ren demands a choice be made between his crew, where Niddler remains with Ren to help the monkeybirds and the others leaving for the Wraith.

Not long after splitting up, and as Yellowwing leads Ioz and Tula through the tunnels of the stronghold, the Securitat invade. Even though he complained of Ren’s foolishness, Ioz turns with Tula to return to Ren when the sounds of battle reach them. The viewer is given pause when a close up of a sly, sneering Yellowwing fills the screen.

The battle continues, with Chieftan fighting alongside Ren, wondering how Jargis discovered the stronghold. Ren is knocked unconscious while Ioz and Tula are driven off, only to discover the hiding spot of the Wraith. A number of Securitat chasing the two fall from the tunnels and into the water, with one being dragged onto a glowing orb by tendrils of Dark Water. He doesn’t get a chance to move before the tendrils envelop him, a horrifying scream coming from the Dark Water as it vanishes below the waves. The Wraith sails away, with Ioz and Tula commenting on the abundance of Dark Water and saddened by the loss of Ren.

On the outskirts of town, a march of wounded and captured monkeybirds appear, causing hubbub from the caged creatures being passed. Ren, still unconscious, is carried on a makeshift stretcher. On a balcony above, Konk compliments Jargis on his win. Jargis gives much credit to his ace in the hole, Yellowwing, who steps in from off screen. Yellowwing is offered the position of second-in-command by Jargis, which incites Niddler to rouse the others to open revolt. Rather quickly, the entirety of the monkeybirds’ anger comes out, giving Konk good cause to leave. Jargis and Yellowwing try to leave with them but are stopped.

Konk and the Luggs escape Pandawa, spotted by Ioz and Tula, who begin their pursuit again. Ioz makes a promise in Ren’s absence to regain the First Treasure and compass, with Tula agreeing.

A weeping, wounded Niddler waits at Ren’s side as he wakes. A quick report informs Ren that the monkeybirds have taken Pandawa back from the slave traders. A now resplendent Queen Mother of the Monkeybirds arrives, appreciating the small part Ren played in the uprising, all while he bemoans his current situation.

Chieftan interrupts, having relocated the crown of the queen, hidden for many years – underneath Jargis’ house. The recrowned queen wishes to help Ren, though he isn’t sure how, calling himself a failure in his quest. Pulling the gem from her crown and handing it to Ren, the queen tells him he is no failure, and that the gem is actually the Second Treasure of Rule.

Given a ship and promise of a friendly port, Ren and Niddler set sail for Jandatown amid foggy seas. Niddler is pleased, having been a part of a major revolt that led to the return of the Queen Mother to power on Pandawa. He makes overtures to Ren, setting into place a firm friendship between the two unlikely crewmates. Missing Ioz and Tula, Ren asks Niddler if he heard something in the fog. Out of the mists comes the Maelstrom, plowing straight into their newly gained ship. Sunk, covered in a brown paste, Niddler can’t get himself aloft nor carry Ren. The great maw of the Maelstrom opens up to swallow the two as Niddler hopes that Bloth hasn’t seen them. Fade to black, end episode.

Noy Jitat! Much like DISHONOR before, BREAK UP is filled with the language of Mer. Noy Jitat is said three times, twice by the allegedly foul mouth of the auctioneer, who also uses the word ‘Jatwa’, which is likely another curse. Take note as to how Ren says his curse at his one point; it seems particularly foul. Niddler has his fair share this time too, calling the the slave traders ‘Jitatan’ and the Securitat ‘dunder mullets’, which may not be all that alien, really.

Mutant Scum – O, the lovely people of Pandawa. What a crude and unusual bunch. Jargis is the most normal, with his Securitat. The auctioneer is the real mutant here, with a rubbery fish-face and long fingers. He calls Ren “Two-legs” which makes you think that he may not actually have legs, considering you don’t see them at all.

There isn’t much more here than plot, plot, plot. It’s a heavy episode theme, handled well for the half-hour timeframe. I recall enjoying this episode much, much more when it was new, but it still holds up to a point. The best thing about it is the focus on the monkeybirds, a wildly crazy creation that hearkens to the flying monkeys of Wizard of Oz fame. A great performance by Nan Martin (likely remembered best as Mrs. Louder from the Drew Carey Show) as the queen and Jim Cummings as Jargis just add to the cast as they are really getting into their characters. Not far down the road viewers get to see Jargis and the queen again.

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